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Showing posts from May, 2021

Here's to the final blog post

      Well everyone we made it! We are finishing up our last assignments, checking things off the to do list, and counting down the final days to graduation. I was hoping I would have a definite answers to whether or not I have a job for after graduation but I believe that will come this Friday as I am was told I had the final two and then was contacted to set up a meeting with the founder of the company! I am very excited about it however I have another job I applied to that I am hoping to hear back from as it is my dream start job! Whatever comes my way I will talk it as an opportunity to grow in my skills and learn new ones!     Good luck to everyone whether you are graduating or still have a year or two of college left. Follow your dreams and always look for opportunities to grow and learn! Try to look for the positive in everything! Graduation here I come!!!