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Here's to the final blog post

      Well everyone we made it! We are finishing up our last assignments, checking things off the to do list, and counting down the final days to graduation. I was hoping I would have a definite answers to whether or not I have a job for after graduation but I believe that will come this Friday as I am was told I had the final two and then was contacted to set up a meeting with the founder of the company! I am very excited about it however I have another job I applied to that I am hoping to hear back from as it is my dream start job! Whatever comes my way I will talk it as an opportunity to grow in my skills and learn new ones!     Good luck to everyone whether you are graduating or still have a year or two of college left. Follow your dreams and always look for opportunities to grow and learn! Try to look for the positive in everything! Graduation here I come!!!
Recent posts


     Hey everyone! We are getting down to the last few posts of the year. I believe this is the second to last. With graduation getting closer and closer, I have been thinking more and more about jobs and opportunities after graduation. I have been continuously applying to jobs and connecting with people through linked and and other avenues. The other day I had a phone call with a women, Alex,  who owns her own production company in St. Louis, where I am from and moving back to. She said my resume reminded her of hers when she graduated and asked me more about my interests, goals, and dreams.     After learning a bit more about me she informed me that she is not in the position to offer a full time job as she doesn't have the salary for it but would love to work with me and help me to build my portfolio, gain experience, and build connections. Her production company shoots videos for weddings, corporate events and businesses, and any other special moments in peoples lives. I would

Creative Title

Hello everyone! By the title I'm sure you can tell I am at the point where I am running out of ideas. My brain is mush and the ticking clock at work is reminding me I am running out of time to finish assignments, study for final role plays for sales, and tweet 10 time before tomorrow. I'm sure a lot of others are feeling the same way. We have a little over three weeks left before graduation and just saying that is crazy to me. We are so close to the end of our college years. This fact makes me sad but there is still so much to do. I am continuing to finish projects and prepare for exams. I am also trying to focus time to apply for jobs! I finished my second interview with the company I talked about in my previous post and I think it went really well! I'm anxiously waiting to hear back from them soon and exited about the opportunity! I am also very excited about other jobs I have applied for as well and look forward to hearing back from them! I am learning as I go and leavin

Job Interview

    Last week I got an email inviting me to sign up for a time for a job interview! I was super excited because the marketing is rough right now and I was starting to get a little down. I did the assessments that were required, answered a few questions in the best way I could to show my personality and signed up for a time. The job is a Community Manager job for a relatively new company and if I got it I would, as they have said, "be the face of the company on social media." That makes me a bit nervous but also very excited at the same time.     I had the interview today and I think it went pretty well. It was very quick but it was nice to get experience interviewing for jobs and makes me feel more prepared and excited for interviews to come! I am continuing to apply places and look forward to hearing back from more and more people! To all the other seniors who are looking for jobs just know we are all in the same boat. Keep that determination and you will find your place!

Making Friends

Yesterday we had class outside. My sorority was having a philanthropy event outside so I went over to talk to some of the girls that were there. I had talked with them over Snapchat and text but never met in person because of the pandemic. I went to the gym but decided to do my class outside and sit with them. I was able to get to know the girls and see some of the girls I hadn't seen in a while! It was so good being able to catch up with everyone. I planned to be there for maybe an hour or two but ended up staying out there for five hours.  Those girls are some of the best friends and I am so excited to continue to make time to hangout with them and spend time on the quad more to catch up with people I haven't seen in a while. I know I have isolated myself a bit and been less social with people since the pandemic so I am making it a point to step out of my box a bit more before I graduate and loose the chance. It's never too late to make friends. I find that I get in the m

Applying for Jobs

I have been working on applying to jobs for a few weeks now. It has been a bit frustrating because there isn't much open for what I want to do now. My high school has a Facebook group called UA valuable connections. It is a network of all the women who have graduated from UA. I decided the other day to make a post in it about looking for a job and wow was that a great idea. I didn't think about it much after I hit send and three hours later I decided to check it. I was amazed! I had a DM from someone asking if I could help make a video for their organization. One of the women owns their own business and asked if I was interested in freelance work, another person mentioned a company I should look at, and there was a chain of people tagging others that eventually connected me to someone who works at a marketing company who will be a great contact to possibly get my foot in the door there! It's been a few days now and one of the people who previously commented DMed me telling

New Website!

This week I have been so productive! As stressful as it has been and still is I have gotten so much done and I just finished my portfolio website! I have been working on piecing together all of my past work so that I have everything in one place and can send it out to employers! I have applied to two jobs so far this week and I want to apply to at least three more by the end of the week! This has been a project weighing over my head for a while but now that I have my reel, website, resume, and cover letter completed I am able to easily pump out those applications for after graduation! Deciding to graduate a year early was such an amazing decision! I am so ready to move on and thrive in the real world! I have copied the link below if anyone would like to take a look at my portfolio website!