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Making Friends

Yesterday we had class outside. My sorority was having a philanthropy event outside so I went over to talk to some of the girls that were there. I had talked with them over Snapchat and text but never met in person because of the pandemic. I went to the gym but decided to do my class outside and sit with them. I was able to get to know the girls and see some of the girls I hadn't seen in a while! It was so good being able to catch up with everyone. I planned to be there for maybe an hour or two but ended up staying out there for five hours. 

Those girls are some of the best friends and I am so excited to continue to make time to hangout with them and spend time on the quad more to catch up with people I haven't seen in a while. I know I have isolated myself a bit and been less social with people since the pandemic so I am making it a point to step out of my box a bit more before I graduate and loose the chance. It's never too late to make friends. I find that I get in the mindset of "Oh I'm graduating so whats the point in making new friend because I'm leaving." I already have plans to hangout with these girls even more! Hanging out with them yesterday was some of the most fun I have had this year and I can't wait continue to hangout more with everyone!


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