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Showing posts from March, 2021

Applying for Jobs

I have been working on applying to jobs for a few weeks now. It has been a bit frustrating because there isn't much open for what I want to do now. My high school has a Facebook group called UA valuable connections. It is a network of all the women who have graduated from UA. I decided the other day to make a post in it about looking for a job and wow was that a great idea. I didn't think about it much after I hit send and three hours later I decided to check it. I was amazed! I had a DM from someone asking if I could help make a video for their organization. One of the women owns their own business and asked if I was interested in freelance work, another person mentioned a company I should look at, and there was a chain of people tagging others that eventually connected me to someone who works at a marketing company who will be a great contact to possibly get my foot in the door there! It's been a few days now and one of the people who previously commented DMed me telling

New Website!

This week I have been so productive! As stressful as it has been and still is I have gotten so much done and I just finished my portfolio website! I have been working on piecing together all of my past work so that I have everything in one place and can send it out to employers! I have applied to two jobs so far this week and I want to apply to at least three more by the end of the week! This has been a project weighing over my head for a while but now that I have my reel, website, resume, and cover letter completed I am able to easily pump out those applications for after graduation! Deciding to graduate a year early was such an amazing decision! I am so ready to move on and thrive in the real world! I have copied the link below if anyone would like to take a look at my portfolio website!


We are at that point in the semester where we would normally be going on spring break and the senioritis is starting to sink in. It's the point where I am starting to burn out and I know a lot of other seniors are as well. I have been trying to come up with ways to keep the stress levels down and the motivation up in order to finish out the semester strong. There are a few things I have been doing. The first things I have done is continue to focus on working out and going even when I don't necessarily feel like it. Working out helps a lot with stress and on the days that I am tired and sore and just want to lay in bed, I make sure I at least go an do some cardio and ab workouts. Another thing I have done is yoga. I have been trying to stretch and meditate at night before bed to calm myself and relax before going to sleep. That has helped a lot with being able to sleep and not having my mind running a million miles a minute thinking about everything I have to do. Finally, since

Cheesy Pesto Baked Chicken Recipe

Happy March! Today I thought I would switch gears a bit and throw one of my favorite easy recipes at you. This week for meal prep I made angel hair pasta (nothing special) and cheesy pesto baked chicken! It turned out incredible! It's very easy to prep for and has only 4 ingredients.  Ingredients: 3 chicken breasts 8oz of cream cheese 1/3 cup of basil pesto Shredded mozzarella cheese   Directions: First you want to mix your cream cheese and pesto. Once it is combined, evenly spread it over your chicken. After you have used all of your pesto mixture, put as much mozzarella cheese as you want on top to cover each chicken breast completely, you can never have too much. Bake for 30-40 minutes at 375. There you have it! It's just that easy! I love finding these amazing recipes on Pinterest! They haven't failed me yet. If anyone decides to try this out let me know what you think! Where I found the recipe: