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Showing posts from February, 2021

Speaking with a Hollywood Producer

     Last night I had the pleasure of being invited to a zoom meeting with Big Brother producer Don Wollman. Wow, it was an incredible experience hearing about his life and getting advice from someone so successful. We started out the night meeting in the GCC with Chris Marsh, an amazing COM professor. After that we all split up into different rooms so we wouldn't have to be masked and hopped on zoom. Within a few minute, Mr. Wollman hopped on the zoom call live from Los Angeles. We were all so excited!     We were informed before the meeting we would be asked "why are you here?" True to that, it was the first thing Mr. Wollman asked the group of 10. That question can be answered in so many ways. I was there because I am passionate about the industry and would love to learn about what it is like from someone who has been in the deep end for so many years. I was also hoping to learn a bit about the process of shooting Big Brother. I was able to ask a question first about h

Relaxation and Flexibility

       Hello everyone! It's only Wednesday and it has already been a week. I really needed that snow day yesterday for a bit of a break but I could use about 10 more of those at this point. Yesterday as I was finishing my workout I was thinking about what I should write about this week. I realized that I'd like to share the thing that I have been doing at the end of my workouts and what I plan on doing a lot more throughout my day to calm down, get some peace, and relax.      I used to be a gymnastic so I hold myself to way to high of a standard when it comes to fitness. I have lost a lot of flexibility since I retired from the sport and I have decided I want to gain that and some skills back this year. I went searching online for a new stretching routine to follow. I have one from my old practices but I wanted to switch it up a bit. I stumbled across a Youtuber named Mady Morrison. She makes videos on yoga, fitness, and lifestyle. I watched a few and really enjoyed it. Since I

Changing My Mindset

      A lot has happened in the past year. At a glance, I might be compelled to rattle off all the terrible things that have happened in my life, in my family and friends lives, in the country, and even the world. That is all I have focused on. While some of those things might be a topic of a blog post in the future, that doesn't mean I am back tracking and going back to a negative mindset. I think writing about it is a great way to put your thoughts on paper, figure out how you truly feel, and then try and think of the good that came from it.      There have been so many great things that have happened this year like starting my senior year of college, hitting the one year mark with my amazing boyfriend, getting to spend more time with my family, learning to cook amazing food, and focusing on exercise. Those are all incredible things! While some of that may seem small, I choose to make it big in my mind. I want to relish in it and be grateful for what I have. When I notice myself

The Beginning of the End

Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog! With this being my first post I thought I would do a little introduction and what I hope to achieve with this throughout the semester. My name is Annie Bettag and I am a senior at Bradley University. I'm from St. Louis, Missouri and I will be graduating a year earlier than I should because of all the credit hours I had coming in to college. For those who saw that I was from St. Louis and immediately wondered what high school I went to, it was Ursuline Academy. For those who didn't wonder that, just disregard. Anyway, this is the start of the end of my college career and I have had a blast so far, but the real work is just beginning. I plan to move back to St. Louis and work for a company where I can do some type of video production. I am a Television Arts Major and really enjoy creating and bringing visions to life. Eventually I would like to open my own production company and work to make St. Louis another hub for TV and movie making. This s