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The Beginning of the End

Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog! With this being my first post I thought I would do a little introduction and what I hope to achieve with this throughout the semester. My name is Annie Bettag and I am a senior at Bradley University. I'm from St. Louis, Missouri and I will be graduating a year earlier than I should because of all the credit hours I had coming in to college. For those who saw that I was from St. Louis and immediately wondered what high school I went to, it was Ursuline Academy. For those who didn't wonder that, just disregard.

Anyway, this is the start of the end of my college career and I have had a blast so far, but the real work is just beginning. I plan to move back to St. Louis and work for a company where I can do some type of video production. I am a Television Arts Major and really enjoy creating and bringing visions to life. Eventually I would like to open my own production company and work to make St. Louis another hub for TV and movie making.

This semester I have many goals. First, I plan on starting a Fiverr account to gain more experience with editing and build on my portfolio. If anyone needs any editing done hit me up and I will do my best to work with you and help out! Next, I am very passionate about living a healthy lifestyle. I have been working out for about two years now and I have recently started to learn and perfecting healthy meals. I hope to build on my knowledge of exercise and food and grow in that area of my life both physically and mentally. Finally, I will be applying to jobs over this semester and I hope to write about that journey and potentially the outcome. These are a few of the things I will be talking about throughout this blog. There will be ups and down, serious and funny posts, personal and random, really anything that comes to mind that I believe is worthy to document. I look forward to writing about my adventures this semester and hope you all enjoy!


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